And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.
— 2 Timothy 2:2 (KJV)

Follow-Up & Pastoral Wards Ministry

Follow-up Ministry

Our Follow-Up Ministry focuses on providing support for visitors who may be professing Christians or people who are keen to find more about the Christian Faith as they come among us in FERC. We believe that every new visitor who visits our Church does not come by chance - they come because of God’s Grace and Providence. Hence, regardless of their background, we welcome them in the Lord.

We have two classes catering to different needs, especially for the newcomers:

Christianity Explained

Designed for newcomers who are interested in the Christian faith, this course covers the fundamentals of Christian faith in a series of lessons centred on the Gospel of Mark.

Discipleship Explored

This course caters to new Christians who desire to know what it means to be a disciple of Christ. By studying the book of Philippians, students get to learn about what following Christ is all about.

For all visitors

Should they be keen to make FERC their home church, we would encourage them to join the New Comers Care Group (NCG) so that they can better know FERC’s teaching and leaders. There after they could join the membership and doctrine class should they want to be a member of the church.

Pastoral Wards Ministry

We believe that living for Jesus is not merely an agenda item that we try to fit input our schedules. Jesus is our all in all. We should live our lives centred around him through the ordinances of Christian community centred around the Ministry of the Word in preaching and small group bible studies (aka Care Group) under the oversight of the Elders of the Church (1 Peter 5:2) for reaching out to the lost.

As such we encourage all church members to participate in the life of Care Groups. The Church is described as the body of Christ, closely knitted together and supporting each other with the gifts of the Holy Spirit. It therefore behoves each member to share one another's life with the view of mutual support to extend God’s Kingdom. The Care Group is therefore an important mean to manifest such truth in the Lord Jesus. There is no Lone Ranger in a Christian life!

As part of the Discipleship thrust, our Focus in the life of each Care Group is towards individual Christian growth as well as Gospel growth. The former focuses on the outworking of the scriptural injunction that each of us is to grow into maturity in Christ (Ephesians 4:13). The latter focuses on reaching out to others with the Gospel as part of the Care Group ministry working out the great commission.

As mentioned earlier. Christians who are desirous to make FERC their Home Church are encouraged to join a Newcomers’ Care Group (NCG). The Goal of the NCG is two-fold, for you to know us – who we are and what we believe and for us to know you.

The NCG goes through a 7-months long program which seeks to highlight what we believe and teaches. The studies are conducted by the Pastors and Elders of the Church and are held on weekday evenings at church where we will also have fellowship dinner as well as over video conferencing.

Thereafter, those who are still keen to make FERC their home church would then be assigned to a Ward as well as a Care Group within the Ward while they attend the membership and doctrine class with the view of being a member of FERC.

We have Care Groups situated at different locations in Singapore, catering for different localities. The Care Groups meet on a regular basis, having outings occasionally. Besides the Care Groups, we also have Ladies Fellowships that meet once a month on the Last Lord’s Day as well as Zion’s Daughter Fellowship group that meets during the weekday.

Care Groups List (members-only access)

Some of the resources above are also available in hardcopy. Please visit our Church to obtain one.